
About the KFLA RACE Initiative
101 Days

When KFLA launched its Race Equity Initiative on April 11, we set the benchmark of 101 days to begin these gatherings. During and after the 101 days, KFLA connects the various groups to facilitate learning exchanges and sharing ideas. Check out some of the reflections, tips and news from Initiative participants on the KFLA blog.

Join Us in "Walking the Talk"

We invite you to join us in “Walking the Talk” April 11 is about acting, reflecting, learning and dialoguing about race in a more holistic way. Many people are tired of just talking and just acting. Instead of talking the talk and walking the walk, let’s start walking the talk, because closing the gaps between people and changing the ways in which people think, live and interact move us closer to achieving equity.

Start Where Your Community Is

Gather with:

  • students in classrooms
  • co-workers at a staff retreat
  • neighborhood or faith-based groups, professional associations
  • any type of community of your choosing.



Create Your Own Space

Because of the distinct characteristics and attributes of each community, the topics, focus, goals and outcomes will necessarily be unique.

To spark possibilities, a team of Fellows and collaborative partners worked to identify five broad ideas that communities might use to focus their conversations.

This list is designed to act as a springboard for you and your community to determine your best course of action. If you don’t see your idea on this list, be sure to add it.

Why April 11

KFLA launched the Race Equity Initiative on April 11 to commemorate the signing of the 1968 Civil Rights Act. This date inspires us to reflect on the vision of racial equity embodied in the Civil Rights Act and reminds us of the work done in the past, the opportunity to assess our present and plan the community level action needed to create our future.