Ms. Ulsía Urrea Mariño

Coordinadora de Proyectos, Oficina de Apoyo a Proyectos Institucionales
Ciudad de México, Mexico State


Ulsía Urrea Mariño holds a Masters Degree in Urban Studies from Colegio de México and a Degree in Sustainable Coastal Zone Management from the National Autonomous University of Mexico. She is the first place winner of the in the category of Culture in the National Contest of University Work on Wetlands and Marine Protected Areas 2013, CONANP-CECADESU-UNAM with her thesis "Analysis of life practices associated with garbage, The waste in the coastal town of Sisal, Yucatán: management model proposal ". As a professional, she has studied the integral management of solid waste in coastal areas, anthropological analyzes of fishermen, studies on Mexican legislation on seas and coasts, the analysis of urban development in the coastal zone associated with the activity Tourism, and, more recently, Mexican energy policy, especially ocean energy. Voluntarily, she has been dedicated to the dissemination of science and environmental education, with emphasis on the management of marine-coastal issues. It has collaborated with civil society organizations in community development and environmental management. He has also participated in conservation works of marine-coastal ecosystems such as coral reefs, mangrove forests and islands through their monitoring. The areas of work where he has developed his studies have been the North Pacific Mexican, Gulf of Mexico and The Mexican Caribbean Sea. He is also a documentarist and member of the Kellogg Fellows Leadership Alliance since 2012. Ulsia has done research at El Colegio de México, as research assistant to Dr. María Eugenia Zavala, a demographic specialist, from September 2015 to August 2016. Dr. Graciela Alcalá, a specialist in ethnology And maritime anthropology, over the same period of time. She has participated in five research projects as a fellow and has participated in 13 national workshops and has given 22 presentations. She has also collaborated in environmental consulting work. Currently, she works as a project coordinator in the Office of Support to Institutional Projects of El Colegio de México, which objective is the search of external financing to the institution for the development of research and teaching activities. Since September 2016, she has collaborated in the Tepoztlán Center Victor Urquidi, A.C, as a member of the communication and dissemination team.