The Kellogg Fellows Leadership Alliance launched last year the Day of Gratitude (formerly Day of Service) Campaign, to honor the life and legacy of Mr. Will Keith Kellogg, the founder of the Kellogg company and foundation.

Born in the 19th century, Mr. Kellogg was one of the 20th century’s great movers of ideas and shakers of tradition. His vision and leadership in entrepreneurship, creativity and humanitarianism continues to be carried out now, not only by the Kellogg Foundation, but also through the lives and work of Kellogg Fellows worldwide.

The Day of Gratitude Campaign is a way for KFLA to showcase the influence that Kellogg programs have on people and their communities. This year, once again, we were blown away by the amazing projects and dedication testimonials we received from Kellogg Fellows around the world. From personal development, academic and professional growth, to grassroots efforts, independent initiatives and collaborative projects in diverse areas, such as agriculture, health and education. The campaign this year counted with 40 Kellogg Fellows participating in 35 projects in 12 countries reaching more than 500 people and their communities.

Check out some of these Day of Gratitude stories.


"Let me say that we had a great day. The public lecture was amazing."

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Título: Taller para desarrollo sustentable en comunidades indígenas de Chiapas.

Temas: Clasificación de desechos y manejo en la comunidad, Conservación de los recursos naturales, Cambio climático y efecto invernadero-acciones en mi comunidad.

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Additional Author 1: Darlyne Bailey

"The Social Justice Initiative (SJI) of Bryn Mawr College's Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research sponsored a food drive during the month of April to benefit the Ada Mutch Community Resource Center."

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"Projeto junto aos jovens de comunidades em desvantagem social do município de Boca da Mata."

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Additional Author 1: Haldaci Regina da Silva

"Participar do curso de formação de lideranças negras do nordeste,para uma mulher negra,militante feminsta, representou um processo de ampliação do conhecimento sobre a importancia dos movimentos sociais e de suas ações coletivas. Não mudaremos nenhuma situação de violação de direitos se não tivermos uma consciência coletiva de resistência, luta e mudança."

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Additional Author 1: Eva Margarita Moya

"People experiencing homelessness, especially those with mental health issues, have few places to sleep at night, let alone access health services. The two-day H.O.P.E. Health Fair leveraged the resources of 11 community partners to address the basic health needs of nearly 200 homeless or uninsured individuals in El Paso."

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"Mi objetivo es replicar y aplicar el aprendizaje adquirido en mi comunidad y en las comunidades y organizaciones no gubernamentales con las que colaboro, promoviendo la agroecología como un sistema alternativo al modelo hegemónico, con el fin último de que los pueblos originarios se apropien del proceso que les permitirá conseguir la soberanía alimentaria."

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Additional Author 1: Kumbirai Kaneta

"I have committed myself to work towards food security at family level in my community. I was compelled to take on this challenge because of the bad experiences we had as family since I was young. I set up a small horticulture project... The main goal of this project was to provide enough food for my immediate and extended family. The project is doing well despite the challenges."

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Additional Author 1: Melinda K. Lackey

"SEED has developed the capacity of a foster care agency to focus intensive training to 8 foster care agencies, mobilize a network of 25 organizations, 11 other foster care agencies, and close to 100 other engaged individuals... Deep thanks to Mr. Will Keith Kellogg. It is a joy to be part of and celebrate such a far-reaching, life-changing legacy."

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