Stories Across the Network

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Tyler Norris: "Leadership can be very subtle."
March 31, 2015
Tom Gallagher: "10 percent of leadership is visible and 90 percent is invisible."
March 31, 2015
Cathy Raines: "There's always room to get better."
March 31, 2015
Craig Calhoun: "I'm sustained by the sense that understanding does grow."
March 31, 2015
Daniel Mulhern: "I believe we teach best what we most need to learn."
March 31, 2015
David Castro: "When people who were marginalized take on responsibility and ownership for what's happening in their community, that's success."
March 31, 2015
Debra Joy Perez: "I'm committed to living as an example of what is possible based on where I've come from and what I've accomplished."
March 31, 2015
Duane Perry: "The great thing about this field is it's so easy to build bridges around food. We all eat; we all like food. It's something we can all share in."
March 31, 2015
Stand Your Ground
March 31, 2015
Elizabeth Kutza: "Leadership can be invisible if it involves modeling behavior. "
March 31, 2015
The Audacity of Progress
March 31, 2015
Esta Soler: "I landed in a place where I could build an organization that helped build a movement."
March 31, 2015
Evelyn Hu-DeHart: "Progress isn't always made in a linear way."
March 31, 2015
Kenneth L. Fox: "Craft your critical spaces carefully."
March 31, 2015
The Ground We Stand On: On Inaugurations, Anniversaries and the Deaths of Trayvon Martin
March 31, 2015
Martha Bidez: "Like jumping out of an airplane without a parachute."
March 31, 2015
Albino Garcia: "Helping people and giving back to the Earth and the Earth people became my medicine."
March 30, 2015
Ana Maria Philippi: "Try to find or create spaces to share with others, beautiful spaces."
March 30, 2015
Ana Maria Robles Capurro, KILP-2
March 30, 2015
Arthur Chen: "Keep grounded in your family and your community."
March 30, 2015

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