I am an international development expert with over 10 years of professional experience in monitoring and evaluation (M&E), information and knowledge management, data management, agriculture development and food and livelihood security. I have worked for many international institutions that include NGOs, the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), Southern Africa Development Community (SADC), Cardno emerging markets and International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI). I am currently an independent consultant and my main areas of experience include: • Designing and implementing M&E systems (this includes developing M&E policies, frameworks, guidelines and computerized systems and report writing), • Designing and implementing project, programme and policy reviews and evaluations, • Developing and implementing information and knowledge management systems to facilitate monitoring and evaluation of projects, programmes, policies, strategies and protocols, • Designing and implementing agriculture, food security and livelihoods data collection and analysis, • Leading Household Economy Assessment (HEA) and Livelihoods Vulnerability Assessments, Market and Value Chain Analysis and Results Based Management, • Capacity building and training in M&E, information and knowledge management, food security and livelihood vulnerability analysis as well as food security monitoring, • Developing strategic plans, operational plans, and annual work plans and budgets for agricultural development, food security and livelihoods projects and programmes, and • Working with multiple stakeholders, including government officials, private sector, donor organizations and NGOs.