Cecilia Kay Nicte was born in Merida, State of Yucatan; Cecilia holds a BA in early childhood education and a Master´s degree from the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education, Cancun campus, State of Quintana Roo, in education policy with special emphasis on teaching-learning process. Cecilia is currently working as assistant professor of the program of basic education at the Intercultural Mayan University of the State of Quintana Roo. Her areas of interest are education, analysis of quality processes in higher education institutions, leadership and youth, creation of intercultural environments in multicultural educational contexts, gender issues, and indigenous languages and communication. She has been awarded with a scholarship from the Summit Foundation in California, U.S.A. to participate in a youth leadership program about sexual and reproductive health named “Go-Young”. Her short-term goal is to increase her abilities as an effective teacher, especially pertaining to intercultural education. In the long-term, she aims to be a specialized teacher in pedagogy and intercultural education that participates actively in the development of professionals to contribute effectively to community development efforts.