Dr. Rob L. Williams

Senior Fellow, Center for Ethics and Corporate Responsibility
Atlanta, Georgia
United States

Focus Areas

Organizational Development / Management


Rob is a Senior Fellow at the Center for Ethics and Corporate Responsibility at the Robinson College of Business at Georgia State University in Atlanta. He is a social psychologist who works with individuals and organizations on developing leadership, group and organizational dynamics, collaboration and conflict resolution, and organizational development. Rob continues an active research and writing interest in leadership development, social advocates, and group dynamics (primarily collaboration and conflict). He spends about a third of his time facilitating leadership development programs such as Institute for Georgia Environmental Leadership (IGEL) and LEAD21, a third of his time as an organizational consultant nationally and internationally, and the remainder on teaching, research and writing. His most recent publications are “Creativity and Conflict” in Exceed (2012), "Leadership and collaboration" in Leadership and the Global Environmental Challenge (Routledge, 2010) and "Leadership development in higher education", The Business of Higher Education (Praeger, 2009). Currently Rob is the lead faculty for the Institute for Georgia Environmental Leadership, LEAD21, Fuld Fellows for Leadership in Academic Nursing, and others. He is on the faculty of Executive Education for the Robinson College of Business. His most recent funded research is a two-year study of stakeholder involvement in coastal policy development funded by the national SeaGrant program. He is the author or co-author of four leadership or organizational assessments. Formerly, he was a Senior Fellow and associate director at the Fanning Institute at the University of Georgia; a senior associate and managing partner for Triangle Associates of Chapel Hill, a national consulting firm specializing in health care, higher education and the non-profit sector; associate director for the Pew Center for the Health Professions, Duke University; and an associate of the Charles Kettering Foundation, Dayton, Ohio. From 1985-1989 he was a Kellogg Foundation National Leadership Fellow. He has a doctorate in organizational and social psychology from the Fielding Graduate University in Santa Barbara, California. He has been married to Diane, an acquisitions librarian, for over 45 years and they have a son, Justin, vice president for digital media, Turner Television; -daughter-in-law-Suzanne, an attorney with King and Spalding; and grandchildren Jack (7) and Tillie (4). Rob is an avid sailor.