Mr. Soledad Teixid

Executive Director

Focus Areas

Community & Civic Engagement
Community & Civic Engagement
Conflict Resolution
Corporate Ethics & Responsibility
Social Justice
Social Justice


Founder and Executive President of PROhumana Foundation - in 1997.BA in Education, Catholic University of Chile, and MA in the Social Basis of Education, University of Maryland, USA. Fellow of the Kellogg International Leadership Program (KILP), W.K.Kellogg Foundation, 1996-1998. She has been selected as one on 100 chilean leader’s women of Chile during the last years. PROhumana is a non-profit Chilean Think and do-TANK that reflexively and critically promotes good practice to foster sustainable and integral human development. Its work focuses on the area of corporate (CSR) and citizen social responsibility through knowledge-research and creation; awareness-building of CSR and citizen social responsibility; the promotion of contexts for encounter and dialogue among actors representing social diversity; the constitution and coordination of cooperation networks; the development of methodologies to implement and monitor CSR; and specialized consultancy services. The areas of research as well as application in which she has worked are, among others, philanthropy, corporate social responsibility, marketing with a social cause, social investment, participation and networks, and education for democracy. She was member of the International Society for Third Sector Research’s international board of directors. Also, She was member of the Stakeholder Council of Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and Executive Secretary of Amnesty International in Chile. In 1994, she was involved in the evaluation of "National Standards for Civics and Government", (Estándares Nacionales para la Educación Cívica) that was carried out by the Center for Civic Education, Calabasas, USA. She has carried out studies in Comparative Education, Education for Democracy, Conflict Mediation and Resolution, among others. She acted as coordinator for Latin America for the Asia Foundation Global Project “Women’s in Politics” (1995-1996). She also took part as researcher in the First National Directory of Institutions that provide legal assistance to low income population, 1997, and has been a consultant for national and international organizations and foundations. In recent years, she has published various articles and documents for different national and international forums and for the PROhumana journal “Social Responsibility in Chile”. She is also co-author of the books: Private Investment in Public Education: the Use and Operation of the Law of Grants with Educational Aims (Inversión Privada en Educación Pública: Uso y Funcionamiento de la Ley de Donaciones con Fines Educacionales); The Philanthropic Action as an Element of Social Responsibility: The Chilean Case (La Acción Filantrópica como un Elemento de Responsabilidad Social: el Caso Chileno); Mapping Foundations in Chile: Characteristics and Challenges for the XXI Century (Mapeando las Fundaciones en Chile: Características y Desafíos para el Siglo XXI); Social Responsibility: 12 Cases of Corporate Responsibility in Chile (Responsabilidad Social: 12 Casos Empresariales en Chile) , Social Responsibility: Building Ethical Meanings for Development (La Responsabilidad Social: Construyendo sentidos éticos para el desarrollo); and Corporate Social Responsibility: A report on business ethical management (Responsabilidad social empresarial: Informe sobre gestión ética de las empresas) among others.