Dr. Yony Sampaio

Recife, Pernambuco

Focus Areas

Economic Security
Community Development
Economic Development
Higher Education
Policy & Education
Evaluation: Program Evaluation
Organizational Development / Management
Youth Development
Youth Development


Dr. Sampaio is a professor of Economics at the Federal University of Pernambuco, where he teaches courses on Micro-economics Theory and Political Economy. He has been working with public policy, in general. Dr. Sampaio monitors programs in the areas of education, capacity building and health; as a government official. For the last two years, he has monitored and evaluated professional development programs for the younger population and unemployed; he has also monitored programs aimed at assisting pregnant women and less privileged mothers (Programas Mãe Coruja, Chapeú de Palha, Planteq, Primeiro Emprego, among others). He has also studied and analyzed determining factors for school development, from kindergarten until higher education. He also studied policies of conditional cash transfer, such as the Bolsa Família program in Brazil. Finally, Dr. Sampaio is currently completing the construction of a new input-output matrix for the state of Pernambuco and calculating the impacts of structural investments.