Frances H. Miller has been Visiting Professor of Law at the University of Hawaii since 2008, and Professor of Law at Boston University’s School of Law since 1975. She has taught courses on Health Law, Food & Drug Law, Antitrust in the Health Sector, The Business of Health Care, Health Care Resource Allocation, Trusts & Estates, Family Law, and Estate Planning. She has also served since 1983 as Professor of Public Health at the Boston University School of Public Health, and in 1997 was appointed Professor of Health Care Management at Boston University's School of Management as well. She was Of Counsel to the Boston Law Firm of Nutter, McClennen & Fish from 1993 - 2009. Professor Miller is a cum laude graduate of Boston University School of Law and earned her undergraduate degree from Mount Holyoke College, where she majored in political science and economics. She also studied international economic law at the London School of Economics. Appointed a Fulbright Scholar for 1991 and again for 1998, and awarded a Kellogg Foundation Fellowship from 1983 - 1986, she has written widely for law review publications and medical journals focusing on health care issues, including antitrust in the health sector and food & drug law. A specialist on comparative health systems, she has held visiting appointments at Cambridge and Oxford Universities and the London School of Economics, as well as at the University of Queensland in Australia. She was a Visiting Professor at the University of Houston in 2006, and has been Visiting Professor of Law at the University of Hawaii since 2008. Professor Miller has been a trustee of Mount Holyoke College, and was trustee of the Joslin Diabetes Center for nine years. She also served as a member or Chair of the Health Facilities Appeals Board (Certificate of Need Appeals Agency for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts) for the better part of two decades. In addition she serves on the Institutional Review Board of Partners Health Care System, and is a former Commissioner of the Massachusetts Rate Setting Commission. In 1993 she was a consultant to the White House Task Force on Health Care Reform. In addition, she was a major contributor to and starred in two PBS television series on estate & financial planning, "This is My Will" and "Fiscal Fitness." She is currently Faculty Lead for the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Scholars in Residence Fellowships.