Dr. Harold E. Massey

Principal, O.D. Consulting & Leadership Coaching
Minneapolis, Minnesota
United States

Focus Areas

Conflict Resolution
Leadership Development
Organizational Development / Management
Youth Development
Youth Development


Dr. Harold Massey, founder and Principal of HRCI, LLC, is a behavioral scientist and diagnostician of personal and organizational systems and relationships with high academic honors and more than twenty years of national and international experience. Specializing in leadership coaching, cross-cultural communications, and organizational intervention, Dr. Massey provides strategic counsel to a wide variety of clients, from community-based organizations to Fortune 500 corporations. HRCI, LLC and Harold's expertise as a Doctorate in Business Administration (DBA) include designing processes for the effective restructure of complex organizations, collaborative awareness, community dialogue, direct democracy, and enhanced leadership. Professional practice and cross-cultural research have taken Dr. Massey to more than twenty countries. His services include robust interventions and respected counsel (using techniques as varied as Gestalt psychology and quantitative analysis) to individual professionals, community and business leaders, multicultural communities, corporations, and industry cartels in pursuit of greater efficacy, systemic change and seamless integration of otherwise dysfunctional diversities within them. Integrating varied personal experiences as a factory worker, a student activist, a human rights professional and consultant, university counselor and professor, management consultant and member of numerous boards of directors or trustees for non-profit organizations, Harold enjoys learning and growth through meaningful change. Recent client engagements have involved process design and facilitating for the potential downsizing of a major national organization from nine separate boards of directors into a single governance structure and leadership coaching with a focus on healing of post-traumatic experiences. Dr. Massey has served as a consultant to a wide variety of organizations including the Aetna, Inc., the World Council of Churches of Christ, Boston Leadership Academy, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Five Colleges, Incorporated, Robert Alexander Law Firm, Los Angeles' Community Coalition for Substance Abuse Prevention and Treatment, and the direct democracy initiatives of America Speaks (the Unified New Orleans Plan, the National Rural Assembly, Shaping America's Youth, CaliforniaSpeaks and the Northwestern Indiana Regional Planning Conference). Harold uses a multivariate methodology in his leadership coaching practice aimed at centering his clients on their deepest and most meaningful selves en route to professional success and personal wholeness. Individual clients have been medical professionals, educators, professional businesspersons, and community activists. Corporate affiliations of coaching clients have included Valvoline Oil, Standard & Poors, the U.S. Naval Research Laboratory, Aetna Life; Casualty, Case Western University, the University of Georgia. En route to graduate school, Dr. Massey became certified as a mediator, a personal counselor, a paralegal in civil law, and an official international observer of elections in Latin America. He learned much as a community activist en route to graduate school, where he began his entrepreneurial effort to be self-employed as a leadership consultant. His greatest passions and joy in life derive from experiential learning in various parts of the world. These experiences now inform new career dimensions as a writer of fiction and other, more aesthetic, roles. Harold was formally educated at Amherst College, and at Yale and Boston universities. He was a Kellogg National Fellow, has membership in Beta Gamma Sigma (excellence in management sciences), and numerous community service distinctions. He has served on the Boards of the Center for Victims of Torture and Global Vision20/20, assists the United Movement to End Child Soldiering and mentors Black adolescents in the Rites of Passage program. He has a spouse of nearly three decades and three wonderful children ages four, eighteen and twenty-three.