Steve and I have been enjoying our life in Fayetteville for the past 10 years. He is the head of the Department of Agricultural Economics and Agri-Business here at the University of Arkansas. It has been a thrill to see his department grow in student numbers and inspiring new faculty. I have been managing my MS with some challenges along the way. When the invitation came to honor W.K.'s birthday with a service project, I struggled with what I could do that would have meaning, and the very next day I was invited to be a founding member of the Board of Directors of the Magdaline Movement here in Fayetteville. This is a powerful program of Love and SUpport for women whop have been imprisoned, raped as a child, a substance abuser and are now seeking help to become clean. The program provides support for a two year period and is modeled after the founding program in Nashville, TN that has been operating for 19 years. As I write this note, last evening we raised $500,000. as starter funds at St. Paul's Episcopal Church. I am looking forward to dusting off my skills and providing some leadership assistance as we move forward. On a family note, our daughter Ann and her family and John and his family both live in Des Moines so we now have a condo in that big city were we spend time playing with our four beautiful grandchildren. We plan to be here in Fayetteville as long as Steve continues to have fun.. If your travels bring you this way -- let us know. My best.