Dr. Anne B. Swanson

Consultant; Dean Emeritus, Entry Point Internship Program
United States

Focus Areas

Community & Civic Engagement
Economic Security
Economic Development
Biology / Chemistry / Physical Science
Higher Education
Social Justice
Civil Rights
Social Justice


Go to URL and click on "Swanson" for text of bio -- http://membership.acs.org/C/CWD/workchem/eduwest.htm#gen81 Personal: Born 1948, with significant lifelong physical disability. Married to David K. Swanson since 1969. Education: B.S. Chemistry, Northern Illinois Univ. 1970 Ph.D. Biochemistry, Univ. of Wisconsin 1975 (trace element metabolism). Career: Postdoctoral Research, Univ. of Wisconsin 1975-79 (chemical carcinogenesis; McArdle Lab for Cancer Res.). Professor, Edgewood College (Madison, WI) 1979-88. Assoc. Program Director, Natl. Science Foundation 1985-86. Assoc. Academic Dean, College of St. Catherine, 1988-92. Professor & Dean of Science, Sonoma State U., 1992-2000. Retired from deaning July 2000, named Dean Emeritus. Consultant, Amer. Assoc. for the Advancement of Science 2000-present. ENTRY POINT Program of AAAS. I recruit, mentor, and help place high-ability students with disabilities majoring in science & engineering fields into paid internships in Fortune 500 companies & federal agencies.