Dr. Geneva Gay

Professor, Curriculum and Instruction
Seattle, Washington
United States

Focus Areas

Racial Equity & Healing
African-American / Black Communities
Social Justice
Gender Issues


Dr. Gay is highly respected for her research and teaching of curriculum theory, African-American culture, and multicultural education. In 1994,she received the Ann Baker Award, in honor of her distinctive leadership, scholarship, and service to women. She has published a book entitled, At the Essence of Learning: Multicultural Education (1994), and most recently presented a symposium with colleagues Dr. Ted Kaltsounis and Dr. Walter Parker called, "Multicultural Education and Democratic Citizenship Education at the Crossroads," to the National Council for the Social Studies. Professor Gay has contributed to numerous journals and books in these fields. Among the books to which she has contributed are Teaching Ethnic Studies: Concepts and Strategies, Language and Cultural Diversity in American Education: Curriculum Guidelines for Multicultural Education, and the Handbook of Research on Multicultural Education. She is the co-editor of Expressively Black: The Cultural Basis of Ethnic Identity and author of At the Essence of Learning: Multicultural Education. Her most recent book is Culturally Responsive Teaching: Theory, Research, and Practice (Teachers College Press, 2000).