Mr. Francisco das Chagas Dantas

Coordenador, UGT - Unidade Gestora Territorial do Agreste Setentrional e
Limoeiro, Pernambuco

Focus Areas

Economic Security
Rural Development
Environment & Sustainable Development
Environment & Sustainable Development


MSc (Closed Claims) Vocational Course in Management of Sustainable Local Development for UPE - FCAP University of Pernambuco - School of Management Sciences of Pernambuco, Post Graduate in Project Management for Social FAFIRE - Recife-PE, in the period 2006 to 2007. Post - Graduate in Geography and Environmental Analysis by FAINTVISA - Integrated Schools of Victoria S. Antony EP in January 2000 to January 2001, as Helenus advisor Professor John Smith, graduated in Full Degree in Social Studies with specialization in Geography by FAINTVISA Integrated Colleges of Vitoria de Santo Antao PE. Participated in SERTA Alternative Technology Service, OSCIP Civil Society Organization of Public Interest, founded on August 3, 1989 in the role of coordinator of programs: Youth Training and ADL ADAC, also acting as an educator, through the methodology PEADS Education Proposal support for Sustainable Development, which is in essence the construction of the development from people to people and people, empowering them and providing opportunities for them as actors, actors and authors. The Local Sustainable Development has been the banner of studies. Research participation in the Youth Empowerment and strengthening of Proposition Public Policy on Sustainable Local Development in muincípio Spring - EP, as a field of scientific research. The framework consists of teachers selected for Full Degree Course in Education Field EFSA - Altarquia Higher Education Arcoverde-PE. Coordinates the UGT - Territorial Management Unit / PRORURAL of Limoeiro-PE. PORTUGUESE Francisco das Chagas Dantas mestre em Gestão do Desenvolvimento Local Sustentável pela Universidade de Pernambuco-UPE, Faculdade de Ciências da Administração de Pernamnuco. Possui pós-graduação em Projetos Sociais pela FAFIRE - Recife, pós-graduação em análise ambiental pela FAINTVISA. Licenciatura Plena em Estudos Sociais, com enfase em geografia - Faculdades Integradas da Vitória de Santo Antão (1996). Prestou servicos na Faculdade Osmam Lins, professor selecionado - AESA - Altarquia de Ensiono Superior de Arcoverde e coordenador de projetos - SERTA - Serviço de Tecnologia Alternativa. Tem experiência na área de Geografia, com ênfase em Geografia, análise ambiental, educação do campo, atuando principalmente nos seguintes temas: juventude, desenvolvimento sustentável, protagonismo juvenil, desenvolvimento e sustentabilidade, educação do campo e gestão ambiental. (Texto informado pelo autor). Última atualização do currículo em 29/01/2013 CV: