Ms. Denise M. DeVaan

Senior Consultant, AFI Region Consultants, ASSET Initiative
Minneapolis, Minnesota
United States

Focus Areas

Economic Security
Community Development
Economic Development
Leadership Development
Youth Development
Youth Development


Denise DeVaan is a Senior Consultant with ICF International Consulting Firm. Prior to this, she was President and CEO of DeVaan & Associates, Inc., a consulting firm that mobilized leaders and resources to build strong communities. Ms. DeVaan has over twenty-five year's experience in executive and management positions within the nonprofit sector. For sixteen years she lobbied the Minnesota Legislature and Congress on a variety of policy and appropriations initiatives that reduce poverty-early childhood, energy, housing, jobs, economic development, child care, food, block grants, taxes. She is founding President of the Kellogg Fellows Leadership Alliance and served as Chair of the Board of Directors. Her Kellogg leadership studies focused on democracy and citizenship themes in Northern Ireland, South Africa, Cost Rica, Brazil, Mexico and the United States. She has received numerous awards for her work and is writing a book on leadership and change.