In 1752, my family sold their land in County Wertheim, Germany and purchased passage on the aptly named ship, the “Phoenix” to escape war and oppression. They desired a place to freely express their faith in God. They sought a future for their children in the Pennsylvania Colony founded on freedom of religion.

Here they educated their daughters and sons and fought in wars for freedom. They were the common farmers that fed the new world and birthed a new nation. They are my family. Their blood, their character, their faith expressed in action, compels me to continually leave behind the old in search of the new. While I don’t farm the land, I do plow and plant by preparing minds and hearts of people to understand and apply science to the practical, persistent problems of the human condition.

My profession is family and consumer sciences. My field of dreams is civic engagement. My work is to educate citizens and policy makers to make wise public policy decisions and so strengthen our democracy.

Like butterflies whose fluttering gossamer wings can change the wind, I seek to stir the passions of citizens to strengthen their families, their communities, and their world so democracy continues for my children, my grandchildren and theirs for seven more generations.

This essay and portrait is part of a community-art and leadership project called “wdydwyd?” Tony Deifell (KNLP-16) invited his colleagues in the Kellogg Fellowship to reflect on what motivates them to follow their personal and professional paths by answering the question, “Why do you do what you do?”

“wdydwyd?” has reached over 1.5 million people worldwide and it has been used for team-building at Google, Twitter, many colleges and universities, nonprofits and K-12 classrooms. And, according to Wired Magazine, “In Silicon Valley, that question has been the hottest team-building meme since Outward Bound – and it’s spreading.” For more information:

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