Ms. Theresa Pasqual

Theresa Pasqual Consulting
Pueblo Of Acoma, New Mexico
United States

Focus Areas

Arts & Humanities
Food Systems
Food Systems
Racial Equity & Healing
Indigenous Communities
Latino / Hispanic Communities


Theresa is an emerging leader from the Pueblo of Acoma in northwest New Mexico and the former Director of Acoma’s Historic Preservation Office. Theresa work has involved the protection of the sacred and cultural sites such as, Mount Taylor and Chimney Rock, landscapes important to numerous Tribes in the SW. Her past work includes community-based language revitalization efforts for her Pueblo and experience in Early Childhood Education with HeadStart. She has expertise in building collaborations between federal, state, and Tribal partners working toward positive outcomes for communities. Theresa’s goal is to find where the discipline of Anthropology and the movement of Historic Preservation can help to address the challenges that the Pueblo communities face while supporting traditional Pueblo core values. She hopes to use her skills as an artist, educator and preservationist to improve the lives of vulnerable children within her community. Theresa is currently pursuing her degree in SW Archaeology and Geology at the University of New Mexico, full time.