Mr. Michel Diogenes Chagas

Consultor de Gestão, Administration
Salvador, Bahia

Focus Areas

Economic Security
Community Development
Economic Development
Leadership Development
Organizational Development / Management
Racial Equity & Healing
Racial Equity & Healing
Social Justice
Gender-Based Violence
Youth Development
Youth Development


Michel Chagas holds a degree in Business Administration and he is member of the Instituto Steve Biko (Bahia) where he has worked in management, leadership and project coordination. Michel is also responsible for the Steve Biko’s work in partnership with other social movements and organizations. In 2007, he was part of the coordination of the First National Meeting of Black Youth (ENJUNE). Michel also has participated in several conferences and meetings of the black youth such as: the World Afro-descendant Youth Summit held in San José, Costa Rica (5-7 October 2011) and the Conference of Black Latin American and Carribean Youth held in Cali - Colombia (13 to 17 March 2007). Michel is pursuing a master degree in International Development Policy at Duke University and is coordinating the monitoring and evaluation tasks of leadership program “Racial Equity in the Brazilian Northeast (Kwetu)”.