Mr. Rui Mesquita Cordeiro is the director of Latin America and Caribbean (LAC) programs of WKKF. Born in Fortaleza, Brazil, Rui is a passionate promoter of civil society and an experienced development professional. His areas of expertise in program development include children and youth issues, entrepreneurship, institutional development of nongovernmental organizations, local development, policymaking and social control of public policies, participation for social justice, racial equity and international cooperation. As an academic researcher and consultant, he has worked in Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, the United States, France, Czech Republic, the Netherlands and Australia. Over the course of his professional career, he has served as executive staff, consultant and board member for several organizations, including: Volunteer Center of Recife, Casa de Passagem, the Social Development Academy Institute, the Charles Leopold Mayer Foundation, Oxfam Australia, UNOY Peacemakers and the Brazilian National Youth Council (representing GIFE - the Brazilian Group of Institutes, Foundations and Business). Rui holds a master’s degree in development studies from the Institute of Social Studies at The Hague, Netherlands; a bachelor’s degree in administration from Pernambuco State University at Recife, Brazil; and is currently pursuing a Ph.D. from Fundação Getúlio Vargas in São Paulo. He is fluent in Portuguese, English and Spanish and speaks some French.