A native of Los Angeles, Marshall has served as a Senior Human Relations Consultant with the Commission since 1999. He is the Commission's Hate Crime Coordinator, has developed human relations curricula for County employees, and established the agency's Hate Crime Victim Assistance and Community Advocacy Initiative. Previously, he held positions with the Smithsonian Institute and the Mayor of Washington, D.C. From 1991-1994, he was a Fellow in the Kellogg National Leadership Program and has been a recipient of the Community Service Award from the National Multicultural Institute, the Abacus Award from the Organization of Chinese Americans, and the Mayor's Distinguished Service Award from the District of Columbia. Currently, he serves on a Community Funding Board for the Liberty Hill Foundation. Marshall received his Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and his Master of Social Welfare from the University of California at Los Angeles. Additionally, he has studied Spanish in Cuernevaca, Mexico and Antigua, Guatemala, has co-authored, "Organizing in Communities of Color: Addressing Inter-Ethnic Conflicts," for Social Justice, and has written articles for the Washington Times and Asian Week.