Benny Shendo, Jr, a native of the Pueblo of Jemez, is the Vice-President of NB3 Consulting and serves as the head of Business Development for the Native-owned golf course development firm. Benny has a rich history in serving the Native American people. He was the former Cabinet Secretary for Indian Affairs for Governor Bill Richardson in New Mexico. In addition, Benny has served in various capacities of management and leadership, including Senior Manager of Native American Programs for the University of New Mexico and the Assistant Dean of Students and Director of the American Indian and Alaskan Native program at Stanford University. In 1998 and 2002, Benny served as the 2nd and 1st Lieutenant Governor, respectively, for the Pueblo of Jemez. He is a Fellow of the W. K. Kellogg National Leadership Program, Group XVI, 1997-2000. He was co-founder of the San Diego Riverside School, Inc. (K-8) in Jemez Pueblo, which became the first Charter School on an Indian Reservation in the State of New Mexico. In September of 2004, he received the prestigious Mary G. Ross award from the Council of Energy Resources Tribes (CERT) for his professional achievements. Benny is the father of two children, Eileen and Benjamin. He is a graduate of the University of Colorado at Boulder.