Dietmar W. Rose is a professor emeritus in the College of Natural Resources at the University of Minnesota, St.Paul. His major interest and expertise are in the area of forest economics, quantitative resource analysis including operations research and computer applications to natural resource management problems, timber management planning, management information systems, and international forestry. He is the author or coauthor of 11 books or book chapters, 80 refereed research publications, 51 proceeding papers, 25 staff papers, and 25 non-refereed publications. He has presented 133 talks and papers at national, international, and regional professional meetings. He is a member of the Society of American Foresters, the International Society of Tropical Foresters, the International Union of Forest Research Organizations, Phi Kappa Phi, Xi Sigma Pi, Sigma Xi, and Gamma Sigma Delta and Volunteers in Technical Assistance (VITA). Under Dr. Rose's guidance 20 graduate students successfully have completed their doctoral dissertations and 40+ graduate students successfully completed their MS degrees. He has several years of experience working and traveling in Latin American, Asia, Africa, and Europe. He is fluent in both German and Spanish and proficient in French. He is an adjunct professor of the Faculty of the Institut Agronomique et Veterinaire Hassan II of Morocco and external advisor to the Graduate School of the University of Malaysia in Selangor, Malaysia. From 1982-1985, as a Kellogg Foundation National Fellow, he participated in a leadership development program. He also is a member of the University President's Distinguished Faculty Mentor Program. In 1990 he received a US Senior Scientist Award from the German Alexander von Humboldt Foundation for a year of independent research in Europe. Dr. Rose was an advisor for the Student Program for Amity Among Nations (SPAN) program at the University of Minnesota and in the summer of 1994 accompanied a group of students to Mexico. He is a consultant on forest scheduling and planning models and has developed a number of software programs that support forest management decisions. From 1995-96 he was director of the NSF funded Environmental Resources Spatial Analysis Center. He is member of the Editorial Board for the Japanese Journal of Forest Planning and the Pakistan Journal of Development Studies. He is also member of the Consulting or Advisory Council (Conselho Consultivo) for the Instituto de Economia e Politica Florestal (INEF) in the State of Parana, Brasil.