LCDR Rashid Njai, (PhD, MPH), is an Officer in the US Public Health Service Commissioned Corps and Epidemiologist in the Division of Community Health, Research Surveillance and Evaluation branch at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion. He hails from the University of Michigan, School of Public Health, where he completed his MPH and PhD training in Health Behavior and Health Education with a focus on psychosocial health/epidemiology; he also has a BS in Biology from the Pennsylvania State University. His work broadly focuses on the epidemiology of mental/physical health disparities among racial and ethnic minorities as well as other vulnerable populations, as they relate specifically to the Social Determinants of Health, resiliency and wellness. As a public health first responder he hopes to continue rapid and effective response to public health needs through leading national/international chronic and infectious disease investigations/outbreaks.