Focus Areas

Higher Education
Racial Equity & Healing
Racial Equity & Healing
Social Justice
Religion / Faith / Spirituality


David Maldonado, Jr. is in retired status (2011) and resides in New Mexico with his spouse, Charlotte. Dr. Maldonado retired as the founding director of the Center for the Study of Latino/a Christianity and Religions at Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, Texas. He is President Emeritus of the Iliff School of Theology (2000-2004). His teaching experiences include Professor of Church and Society at Perkins School of Theology (1984-2000), and Professor of Social Work at the University of Texas at Arlington (19974-1984). Maldonado is the editor of Protestants/Protestants: Hispanic Christianity Within Mainline Traditions, the co-editor of Hispanic Christianity Within Mainline Traditions: A Bibliography, and the author of Crossing Guadalupe Street: Growing Up Hispanic and Protestant. He is a member of The Rio Grande Conference of The United Methodist Church. Dr. Maldonado did his undergraduate work at Texas Western College (UTEP) and earned his theology degree from SMU and his Master’s degree and Doctorate from the University of California at Berkeley.