Dr. Lenneal Henderson is currently Distinguished Professor of Government and Public Administration and Senior Fellow at the William Donald Schaefer Center for Public Policy and a Senior Fellow in the Hoffberger Center for Professional Ethics at the University of Baltimore where he was formerly a Henry C. Welcome Fellow. For 2001-2006, he serves as the Daniel T. Blue Endowed Professor of Political Science at North Carolina Central University in Durham, North Carolina. He was recently selected as a Fulbright Senior Specialist by the Council on the International Exchange of Scholars and the U.S. Department of State. He has also served as a Panelist for the Review of Foreign Service Officer Promotions. He also served as Faculty of both the School of Human and Organizational Development and the School of Educational Leadership and Change at the Fielding Graduate Institute. In November 2000, he delivered a paper for the International Division of the Urban Land Institute in Rotterdam, The Netherlands on the strategies of various large cities in the world to revitalize themselves and traveled to Tallin, Estonia to both give a paper on peace, economic development and global demographic trends and establish a partnership between two universities in Estonia and the University of Baltimore. Along with economist Michael Bell, he founded the Center for Effective Local Democracy in South Africa as a citizen-based project and a way of using peace economics to heal the conflicts in post-apartheid South Africa. The first project was the building of a secondary school in the village of Kullelle which opened in November 2001. He was also instrumental in the establishment of an exchange program between the Centro de Investigacion de Docencia y Economia in Mexico and taught there in January 2001. In December 2001, he was part of the Citistates Delegation to Cuba examining how the Cubans address urban housing, community development, architecture and public administration issues as they transition to a new future. In June 2002, he and his Dean conducted a two-week intensive course on Federalism at the Tallin Technical University in Estonia. In December 2002, he travel to Jaipur, India to attend the midterm conference of the International Political Science Association focused on inter-ethnic and international peace strategies and options. Born in New Orleans and raised in the housing projects of San Francisco, California, he was former Head of the Department of Political Science, Director of the Bureau of Public Administration and a Professor of Political Science at the University of Tennessee, Knoxville. He served as a Policy Analyst in the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Policy and Evaluation at the United States Department of Energy from 1977-79 working on both the International Energy Agency and on small scale renewal energy projects in Guyana, Trinidad-Tobago, Barbados and Jamaica; and as Vice President for Energy Management and, subsequently, Vice President for Science and Technology at the Ronson Management Corporation of Alexandria, Virginia, managing contracts with the Bonneville Power Administration, the U.S. Department of Energy and the U.S. Agency for International Development. Since 1990, he has served as a Part Time Scientist at the Argonne National Laboratory conducting and publishing studies on household energy consumption and expenditure, environmental justice and electricity deregulation. He has also served as a consultant to the Edison Electric Institute and to the Tata Energy Research Institute of Bombay and New Delhi, India. He is a life member of the Indian Institute of Public Administration in Delhi, India. His books include Black Political Life in the United States, Administrative Advocacy: Black Administrators in Urban Bureaucracies, The New Black Politics: The Search for Political Power (Edited with Michael Preston and Paul Puryear), Public Administration and Public Policy: A Minority Perspective (with Lawrence Howard and Deryl Hunt) and, most recently, Dimensions of Learning: Education for Life (with Bernice D. Johnson, Debra Parker and Magnoria Lunsford). He taught both Statistical Analysis and International Economics in Malaysia, Singapore and Hong Kong in 1997 for Ottawa University International. He has taught, consulted or lectured in Africa, India, Japan, the People's Republic of China, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Egypt, Israel, Chile, Peru, Brazil, Argentina, Mexico, Europe, Estonia, Russia, Guyana, Jamaica and Australia, Cuba and Austria. He has been a Kellogg National Fellow, a Ford Foundation, National Research Council Postdoctoral Fellow at the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies and a Rockefeller Research Fellow. He is also a graduate of Leadership Howard County as serves as a faculty member for the Johns Hopkins University Leadership Development Program for Minorities. Association (CPHA) of Baltimore. He has served as the Chairman of the Board of the Baltimore Urban League and serves on the Boards of the Baltimore Urban League, the Chesapeake Bay Foundation, the National Civic League, The Center for Effective Local Democracy and the Caroline Center. For twenty-one years, he has served on the Jury for the selection of the ten All-American cities chosen each year by the National Civic League and has served as a site evaluator for the Harvard/Kennedy School American Innovations Program. To commemorate the 50th anniversary of the Brown v. the Board of Education of Topeka, Kansas Supreme Court decision, he wrote a performed a one-man play as Thurgood Marshall. These performances have taken place in Maryland, Texas, North Carolina and California. In 2004, he received the Praisesinger Award from the San Francisco African American Historical and Cultural Society. He is Vice-Chairman of the Maryland Commission on African American History and Culture and a member of the Board of Directors of the Reginald Lewis Maryland Museum of African American History and Culture. He is also a member of the Board of Directors of Associated Catholic Charities of Central Maryland. In September 2005, he was elected a Fellow in the National Academy of Public Administration. He received his A.B., M.A. and Ph.D degrees from the University of California, Berkeley and has conducted additional postdoctoral study at the Paul Nitze School of Advanced International Studies at Johns Hopkins University studying peace and conflict resolution in India and Africa and the George Washington University in Science, Technology and Public Policy.