Dr. Guillermo J. Gonzalez

Napa Valley Adult Education
Napa Valley, California
United States

Focus Areas

Economic Security
Community Development
Economic Development
Adult Learning
Racial Equity & Healing
Latino / Hispanic Communities


Guillermo Gonzalez Lopez, Ph.D. (KILP-1) was a professor in the Department of Economics of the "Colegio de Postgraduados" in Mexico, one of the most prestigious graduate colleges on Agricultural and Life Sciences in Mexico and Latin America. He taught courses on "Agricultural Development" and "Economic Analysis of Agricultural Projects." Guillermo has been combining theory and practice by teaching, researching, and working on agricultural and rural development projects. In 2005 he was a visiting scholar at California State University Sacramento, where he will spend the school year working primarily on a research project on "The Effects of Productive Investment on Migration Decision Making Process in Mexican Rural Communities." Currently, he is working in Napa, California public library at the Literacy Center. His job is to prepare young adults interested in obtaining the GED diploma, equivalent to a high school certificate valid in California and nationwide. The preparation consists of the following subjects: Spanish and the Arts of Language, Sciences, Social Studies and Mathematics. This diploma is important for the personal development, to get better work and to continue university studies. It is work in the area of ​​adult education, important for the Latin American immigrant population and in particular for the Mexicans who are the majority in the area of ​​the Bay of San Francisco. It also obeys Mr. W. Kellogg's slogan of teaching people to fend for themselves, to be self-reliant, to gain self-confidence and to elevate self-esteem. He has been dedicated to this noble activity for nearly six years.