Gary Bloom currently serves as the Superintendent of Santa Cruz City Schools, a K-12 school district south of the San Francisco Bay Area. Prior to joining SCCS, Gary co-founded the New Teacher Center at University of California Santa Cruz and served as its Associate Director for School Leadership. Prior service has included K-12 teaching, site and central office administration, and as university faculty. He is the founding principal of the Alianza Bilingual Magnet School and the founding administrator of Central California’s innovative and highly acclaimed Anzar High School. Gary has presented and consulted with school districts and local, state and national agencies in the United States, United Kingdom, and Central and South America. He has presented at many conferences at national and state levels, and is the author of dozens of articles on topics related to instruction and professional development. He is lead author of Blended Coaching: Skills and Strategies to Support Principal Development and Powerful Partnerships: A Handbook for Principals Mentoring Assistant Principals. He is co-editor of The Peer Assistance and Review Reader.