July 29, 2015
Washington, DC
Our thanks to Dr. George Pruitt, President of the Thomas Edison State College for co-hosting a reception for U. S. Congresswoman Alma Adams, Class KNFP-11. Congresswoman Adams was sworn into office on November 12, 2014, becoming the 100th woman in the 113th Congress.
The reception was held at the Rayburn House Office Building in Washington, D.C., where there was a broad representation of Kellogg Fellows from a number of classes. Congresswoman Adams shared with the group how being a Kellogg Fellow has impacted her life. She also talked about her current work as the co-chair of the Bipartisan Congressional Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU) Caucus. Its mission is to highlight and address unique challenges the HBCUs face, and to make sure their needs are heard on Capitol Hill. If you are interested in learning more about issues on which Congresswoman Adams is working, visit http://adams.house.gov/issues
Reception photos can be found here: